Bus longue distance pour Los Angeles, CA
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Lignes populaires
Arrêts à Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles, Gare routière Greyhound
801 N Vignes Street
90012 Los Angeles, CA
90012 Los Angeles, CA
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Bus will depart from the Patsaouras Transit Plaza at Union Station, bay #7 or #8. Please be at the loading platform 15 minutes prior to your scheduled departure.
Los Angeles, Centre Ville
501 E Cesar E Chavez Ave
90012 Los Angeles, CA
90012 Los Angeles, CA
Voir cette adresse sur Google Maps
Bus will board in the parking lot located at the intersection of E Cesar E Chavez Ave and N Vignes St, on the northwest side. This is across the street from Patsaouras Plaza at Union Station. This bus will NOT board inside Patsaouras Plaza/Union Station. Passenger Lounge open 7am - 5pm daily.
Université de Californie Los Angeles
592 Gayley Ave
90024 Los Angeles, CA
90024 Los Angeles, CA
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Bus will board at the bus stop on the southeast corner of the intersection of Gayley Ave and Strathmore Pl. Look for the Big Blue Bus sign.
Los Angeles Union Station Arrivals
800 N Alameda St
90012 Los Angeles, CA
90012 Los Angeles, CA
Voir cette adresse sur Google Maps
Bus will drop passengers off along the curb in front of Union Station south of the station main entrance and car drop-off area. Look for the Greyhound sign.
Los Angeles (Hollywood / Highland)
1658 N Orange Dr
90028 Los Angeles, CA
90028 Los Angeles, CA
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Bus will board along the white southbound sightseeing bus curb along N Orange Drive, south of the intersection at Hollywood Blvd and N Orange Dr. Stop is located across the street from the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf.
Université de Californie du Sud
3492 S Hope St
90007 Los Angeles, CA
90007 Los Angeles, CA
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Bus will board on the curbside of S Hope St, directly south of the USC Campus Shuttle bus loading zone adjacent to the Grand Avenue Parking Structure, and north of the intersection of S Hope St and W 35th St.
Downey (Stonewood Center)
251 Stonewood St
90241 Los Angeles, CA
90241 Los Angeles, CA
Bus will board on the SE side of the mall, outside mall entrance at curbside near the former Sears (off Firestone and Woodruff). Stop located at green curbside.
BEGINNING OCTOBER 31, 2024 The boarding location will move to the backside of Stonewood Center along the yellow painted curb just in front of the old Sears location. Look for the green painted curb and tan colored bench seats.
Los Angeles (West LA - Expo/Sepulveda)
11295 Exposition Blvd
90064 Los Angeles, CA
90064 Los Angeles, CA
Voir cette adresse sur Google Maps
Bus will board along the white passenger loading curb on westbound Exposition Bl, west of Sepulveda Bl. Curb is adjacent to the Expo/Sepulveda Metro Station and the bike path, indicated by “No Parking: Passenger Loading Only“ sign.
Villes directement accessibles
85 |
Nombre d'arrêts
8 |
États-Unis |
Questions fréquemment posées
Combien de gares routières y a-t-il à Los Angeles ?
Puis-je suivre mon bus de et vers Los Angeles ?
Quels sont les services à bord des bus à destination de Los Angeles ?
Les enfants ont-ils des tarifs réduits pour les bus jusqu'à Los Angeles ?
Combien de bagages puis-je transporter dans le bus jusqu'à Los Angeles ?
Puis-je réserver un siège pour mon voyage vers Los Angeles ?
Les bus pour Los Angeles sont-ils équipés pour les passagers à mobilité réduite ?
Comment puis-je payer mon billet de bus pour Los Angeles ?
Combien coûte le trajet pour aller à Los Angeles ?
Comment arriver à Los Angeles en bus ?
Découvrez plus de destinations
- Houston, TX
- Dallas, TX
- Las Vegas, NV
- Phoenix-Tempe, AZ
- San Antonio, TX
- San Diego, CA
- Saint-Louis, MO
- San Francisco, CA
- Sacramento, CA
- Tucson, AZ
- Oklahoma City, OK
- El Paso, TX
- Fort Worth, TX
- Orange County-Anaheim-Santa Ana, CA
- San Jose, CA
- San Bernardino, CA
- Fresno, CA
- Tulsa, OK
- Bakersfield, CA
- Oakland-Berkeley-East Bay, CA
- Los Angeles, CA - Las Vegas, NV
- Boston, MA - New York, NY
- New York, NY - Boston, MA
- New York, NY - Washington, D.C.
- Washington, D.C. - New York, NY
- New York, NY - Philadelphie, PA
- Philadelphie, PA - New York, NY
- Las Vegas, NV - Los Angeles, CA
- Vancouver, BC - Seattle, WA
- Montréal, PQ - New York, NY
- Orlando, FL - Miami, FL
- New York, NY - Montréal, PQ
- Los Angeles, CA - San Diego, CA
- Los Angeles, CA - San Francisco, CA
- San Diego, CA - Los Angeles, CA
- Miami, FL - Orlando, FL
- Seattle, WA - Vancouver, BC
- Austin, TX - San Antonio, TX
- San Francisco, CA - Los Angeles, CA
- San Antonio, TX - Austin, TX
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